Best Songs of 2011: #10-1

Let’s continue and finish off the Best Songs of 2011 list. Did I miss a song? Was there a track that you couldn’t get enough of last year? Let me know what else I should check out in the comments section! Also, get all the songs in one place with the IWP Best Songs of 2011 Spotify Playlist!

10. “Caffeinated Consciousness” by TV on the Radio // There was not much fanfare made for the latest release by this Brooklyn band, and that’s unfortunate. Nine Types of Light is the most accessible TVoTR record, but never loses the innovative musical edge the band has been known for. “Caffeinated” one-ups the rest of their record by sounding stunningly unique in a collection of very singular songs. Of course, it helps that the song has the best riffs, vocals, and production all in one track. A very impressive feat for such a great band.

09. “Cheerleader” by St. Vincent // Internet reaction to St. Vincent has been oddly divided, likely thanks to Pitchfork’s loud praise for Annie Clark. In typical Pitchfork fashion, she hasn’t deserved all of their drool… but they’re not very far off. Clark’s newest record is full of great rock and songwriting moments, but the most exceptional piece is “Cheerleader.” The fist-pumping chorus is a brilliant draw while the vocal and lyrical quality draw you back time after time.

08. “Midnight City” by M83 // I first listened to M83 when everybody was fawning over Dead Cities, their breakthrough My-Bloody-Valentine-with-synths record. It seemed interesting, but way too dense for its own good. Nearly a decade later, “Midnight City” shows up on a fall music preview and I couldn’t believe it was the same band. The song has so much clarity, emotion, driven purpose, and is full of hooks. How could this be the sludgy band from 2003? Best advice – don’t worry about it and let those fat intro synth notes hit your ears again. Glorious.

07. “Ice Cream” by Battles // Even on their famously blunt epic “Atlas,” Battles always sounded like a party waiting to happen. This song is that promise realized. The intro alone is worth a spot in the top 10 of this year – the exceptional buildup for the first 50 seconds is unparalleled and releases into a wonderful jam. Yes rhythm nerds, it’s still very rooted in math rock. But guess what? This math rock is more fun than anything the preppy kids play at their parties. Listen causally for the excitement, be rewarded by the percussion and melody.

06. “Bizness” by Tune-Yards // “Bizness” knocks you over right away and never stops the assault. It sounds like nothing I’d ever heard and was immensely refreshing. And it continues to be. It’s total chaos, but completely ordered. That voice can be rhythmic, charming, quiet, booming and dominating all within one line. It’s passionate, exciting and, above all else, gripping. When it ends, you can’t help but listen again, if only to learn more.

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